
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


{Rain, rain, go away, come again another day}

"Is it raining in there? It's raining out here too." -
                                                         Winnie the Pooh 

Today is very rainy. It's been a while since we've had a rain as good as this one. Big puddles... little raindrops... grumpy faces. :) Chicken soup for dinner.

Grace be with you, 

Abby :D 

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hannah's Giveaway!

Hannah at My Nutty Life is having a giveaway! Click here for details.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving...

I hope everyone's having a wonderful Thanksgiving! Here are some things I'm thankful for:

  • Turkey
  • Family 
  • Bright, colorful leaves
  • Sunny days
  • A fully functioning body
Today we will visit our mother's side of the family. I have five cousins on this side. :D 
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Grace be with you,

Abby :D

Oh, yes, today is my grandma's birthday! Happy birthday, Grandma!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


*After re-reading this post, and all the comments (thanks by the way, they're very sweet) I just wanted to tell all of you that after the holidays, I'll probably be returning to my old posting schedule. Just in case there was any confusion. :D Thanks again!*

I know I've not been posting as much as usual, and for this I'm sorry. But I haven't really been inspired, and this is one of the busiest seasons of the year. So I'm going to be posting shorter posts and commenting less.

I hope you understand!

Grace be with you,

Abby :D

Friday, November 19, 2010


Lovely, crunchy
Clumpy, bunchy
Happy, snappy
Yellow leaves
Windy, blustery
Blowing, flustery
Pretty, flitty
Scarlet leaves
Lots of leaves of browns and tans
Spreading off of trees like fans
Bushy, pushy
Fly-y, sky-y
Nicey, spicy

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

wordless -- pretty branches

Grace be with you,

Abby :D

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Very Grey Day

These wet, grey days do not agree with me. They leave me moody, gloomy, and feeling blue. Ugh... So, I thought I would post some bible verses about joy to cheer up anyone who's feeling the same way.

Psalm 118:24 - "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Psalm 9:2 - "I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High."

Psalm 16:11 - "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

This is a poem I wrote about someone who calls on herself after a long absence.

The Disappointing Self by Abby
Hello dear Self,
I have finally come to call,
Is it my imagination
Or have you grown tall?
Why, your face is sticky
And your boots are wet,
And your floor is muddy.
Is the tea on yet?
Do you mean to say,
You've not been to the store?
And there's big mouse tracks on the pantry floor.
I am quite chagrined
You are not very clean.
This is the dirtiest brain
That I have ever seen.

Grace be with you,

Abby :D

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Giveaway at A Farm Girl Ramblings!

Anne is giving away these wonderful prizes! Click here to enter!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

You asked, I answered...

 Here's the answers to the questions you asked. :D I had fun answering them.

Whats your favorite pastime? Hmm... that's hard... I do like to write a lot. But I also like to read and draw.

What's your favorite food? I love pasta. :D Just thinking about it makes me hungry.

What country would you like to visit most? America! Just a different part than where I live. Maybe Arizona.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I would probably change it to... either Corinne or Ruth.

When did you become a Christian and what made you want to become one? Well, I am growing up in a Christian family, so God has always been in my life. I haven't exactly become a Christian but rather grew into a relationship with Him.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? I wouldn't. I'd just stay home. :D But if I had to go somewhere, I might go visit the Grand Canyon.

If you could meet a celebrity or actor who would it be? I would like to meet the Duggars! That would be great. :D

What is your favorite thing to do with your brothers? I love to play outside with them. :D

Which do you prefer, to laugh or make people laugh? I like to laugh but I love making other people laugh too.

Thanks for all your questions! I never expected to have this many. :D (And sorry for the un-original title. I couldn't think of anything else)

Grace be with you,

Abby :D

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Questions wanted

I just love the idea of a Q&A post! I know lots of you have done this, so I've decided to do one as well. So ask me anything you want, as long as it's not too personal. I'll answer them in a few days. :D Have fun!

Since this is a short post, I though you might be interested in this photo. Here I was about nine. I had a pixie cut for a while when I was little.

Abby :D

A Baby's Feet

A Baby's Feet 
by Algernon Charles Swinburne

A baby's feet, like sea-shells pink,
Might tempt, should heaven see meet
An angel's lips to kiss, we think,
A baby's feet

Like rose-hued sea-flowers toward the heat
They stretch and spread and wink
Their ten soft buds that part and meet.

No flower-bells that expand and shrink
Gleam half so heavenly sweet,
As shine on life's untrodden brink
A baby's feet.

 This is one of those sweet little poems that I wish I had written. It's been in my mind a lot this week. :D

Abby :D